Opening Through Console

The console is a very useful tool for Dicey Dungeons modding; it allows you to see traces your equipment might be executing and read error messages immediately. It is also helpful for testing items in specific scenarios that might otherwise be difficult or time consuming to try.

To use the console, you have to run Dicey Dungeons through a batch (also known as a .bat) file. A batch file requires relatively low setup and can be easily copied and modified.

Creating Your First Batch File

To start, it's important to know where you have Dicey Dungeons installed. If you have Dicey Dungeons on Steam, right-click on it in your library, hover over “Manage”, and select “Browse local files”. This will open up a folder where all the game data is stored, including music, mods, and most importantly, Dicey Dungeons.exe. If you bought Dicey Dungeons through, find where you installed it and make sure you're in the same folder as Dicey Dungeons.exe.

The next step is to create a batch file next to the executable. Create a text file and name it whatever you want (“testing” or “modding” if you aren't creative). Make sure that you can see file extensions (view → file name extensions), and change its extension from “.txt” to “.bat”. Open it with a text editor of your choice (notepad will work just fine), and paste this text in:


Save it and run the batch file, and Dicey Dungeons should open along with a command prompt that is the console we're looking for. We can duplicate this file if we ever want to save a particular configuration. All we have to do now is give it some commands!

Command Line Arguments

Here's a list of command line arguments: (todo: I might've missed some?)

  • -modcheats
    • Enables mod cheats (instructions are found in the console), and gives the player 50 gold
  • -translator
  • -mod
    • Sets the game to run with the selected mods (e.g. '-mod=morefluff,plasticshield')
  • -boss
    • Forces the boss of the dungeon to be the enemy specified (e.g. '-boss=“Frog”')
  • -allenemies
    • Sets all enemies in a dungeon to the same enemy (e.g. '-allenemies=“Loud Bird”')
  • -character
    • When you launch the game, you will immediately be placed in the specified character's episode 1 (known as quickstarting) (e.g. '-character=“Robot”')
  • -episode
    • Used in conjunction with -character (e.g. '-character=“Robot” -episode=3')
  • -enemy
    • Immediately starts a battle with the specified enemy (e.g. '-character=“Warrior” -enemy=“Baby Squid”')
  • -remix
    • Makes the first remix offered be the one specified, only works in episodes with remixes (e.g. '-character=“Warrior” -episode=“6” -remix=“Val”')
  • -equipment
    • Gives a list of equipment to the player when quickstarting into an episode (e.g. '-character=“Warrior” -enemy=“Snowman” -equipment=“Flamethrower,Flamethrower+”')
  • -gadget
    • A mostly broken parameter. If playing as Inventor, and all equipment passed through the '-equipment' parameter is named exactly like a gadget, and if this is specified a value (even a “null” one like '-gadget='), it will take the first equipment name and set it to the gadget. If any equipment passed through the '-equipment' parameter isn't named like a gadget or skill, it will crash.
  • -empty
    • Removes a character's original equipment when quickstarting (e.g. '-character=“Warrior” -enemy=“Baby Squid” -equipment=“Headbutt” -empty')


An example of a file that would start the game in Warrior's 4th episode with a Broadsword:

diceydungeons.exe -character="Warrior" -equipment="Broadsword" -empty

An example of a file that simply runs the game with a mod:

diceydungeons.exe -mod=yourmodhere

Another example of a file that would be useful for testing new items:

diceydungeons.exe -mod=yourmodhere -modcheats -character="Warrior" -empty -enemy="Cowboy" -equipment="YourItemHere"

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